Meet our friend Asparagopsis taxiformis Tetrasporophyte! Now that’s a mouthful! Let’s break down its meaning, shall we? “Asparagopsis taxiformis” is a species of seaweed which is […]
Busy busy days at Flying Sharks ! Here’s a shipment of 200 Bathymodiolus azoricus (mussels) which were collected by a German Research Vessel from an hydrothermal […]
Congratulations Max Klier, who just finished his MSc at the Université Côte d’Azur, while conducting ecosystem modeling of the mesopelagic food web of the Azores. The […]
Congratulations to Joana Fernandes, a Ph.D. student from the University of Aveiro, who’s focusing her studies on Biology and Ecology of Global Changes. Joana was traveling […]
This application for funding from Buddhi Maheshika, a young researcher from Sri Lanka, was incredibly special for multiple reasons. First and foremost, this young lady requested […]