Research Fund 24/02 :: Fanny Vermandele and Lauric Feugère
April 5, 2024
Research Fund 23/02 :: Sara Novais
April 7, 2024
The date in the title may suggest that we lost our minds, but we didn’t.
We want to congratulate Ana Sequeira, who was the first recipient of our Flying Sharks Research Fund in partnership with the Portuguese Elasmobranch Association.
Ana received 2.000 euros back in February 2009, so she could fly to Australia and do her Ph.D. on whale sharks. This young scientist had applied for a grant that would allow her to do just that two times before, but got denied. But Ana was relentless and never gave up, publishing papers, working on her CV and submitting proposal after proposal until she got accepted.
25 years later, if you go to Google Scholar and search “Ana Sequeira whale sharks” you will see that Ana became one of the World’s leading scientists on this subject and we couldn’t feel prouder that we were there with her right at the beginning!
Not only that, she was just awarded the very prestigious Fenner Medal from the Australian Academy of Sciences, a distinction that placed her amongst an impressive list of elite scientists.
Congratulations, Ana!
Click here to see a cool video about this tremendous news!