Click on the links below to download publications on husbandry and/or transport of marine animals authored/co-authored by our team or that benefited from the assistance of the Flying Sharks team.
- IUCN Global Report on Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras
- Contrasting ontogenetic shifts in habitat and metabolism of three sympatric key deep-sea fishes
A Review of Two Decades of In Situ Conservation Powered by Public Aquaria
(Very) Long-term transport of Silurus glanis, Carcharhinus melanopterus, etc.
Ocean Sunfishes - Evolution Biology and Conservation - chapters 13 and 15
Marine Animals and Human Care Toward Effective Conservation of the Marine Environment
Capture, husbandry and long-term transport of pilotfish, Naucrates ductor, by sea, land and air
Lepeophtheirus azoricus parasitic on dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus
Collection, transport and husbandry of the blue shark Prionace glauca
Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture - Chapter 26 - Packing and shipping
- Bacalhaus Voadores (Argo)
- Sex, Sharks and Rock & Roll - Chapter 16 - Blue Angels
- Portuguese Commercial Fisheries of Swordfish, Xiphias gladius
Elasmobranch landings in the Portuguese commercial fishery from 1986 to 2009
Notes on the long-term transportation and husbandry of Bull rays and Dolphinfish
Os aquários (Guia das Escolas e Profissões do Mar 2012)
New geographic distribution for Northeastern Atlantic species
Flying Sharks (Bioaquária)
Long-term transportation, by road and air, of Chub mackerel and Atlantic bonito
Tubarões e raias em Portugal (Portugal Dive)
Satellite tracking of the World's largest bony fish, the ocean sunfish in the North East Atlantic
Role of sensory cues in food searching behavior of captive Manta_birostris
Flying Sharks: a captive shark's tale (Shark Focus)
Long-term transportation of Devil-ray, Meagre and Sunfish (our very first Flying Sharks paper!)
Observations on the catches of small tunas from a trap off the Algarve
Domestication and GnRHa-induced spawning of meagre, Argyrosomus regius
Food habits of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, off the southwest coast of Portugal
Movement of blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the north-east Atlantic based on mark-recapture data
Long distance transportation of the scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini
Long-term transportation of Ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei, and Tiger rockfish, Sebastes nigrocinctus
Buoyancy compensation problems in a sandtiger shark, Carcharias taurus
- A modified decalcification technique for enhancing growth bands in vertebrae
Tooth loss rate from two captive sandtiger sharks (Carcharias taurus)
- Young Lemon Shark Behaviour
Click on folder /portugal/ to access a list of other publications on Elasmobranch studies conducted in Portugal.
Click E.H.M. to access the full Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual, which is the most comprehensive work in Elasmobranch Husbandry to date.