TechAquarium at Sea Life Oberhausen
March 9, 2024
Research Fund 24/02 :: Fanny Vermandele and Lauric Feugère
April 5, 2024While Flying Sharks was born on the 1st of September 2006 and we shipped many thousands of animals across the globe since…
…we never – leat me repeat that: “never” – moved a wild caught sea-horse. This is thanks to a close partnership with a prominent researcher from the University of the Algarve (call him “Doctor Sea-horse”, if you will) who breeds these animals as if they were rabbits.
It is therefore no surprise that, when our friends from Sea Life asked for some captive bred Hippocampus guttulatus, we turned to “Doc Sea-horse” and packed a few more.
Whether their destination is North America, South America, Middle East, Asia or Europe, needless to say they travel with their full required CITES documentation and it’s our absolute pleasure to add that, in all these years, we never lost one in transit – let me repeat that: “never“.
Not bad, huh?