18 years
September 1, 2024Sea-turtles-a-plenty
September 23, 2024Another day, another extremely successful Flying Sharks transport, this time moving nearly 800 sharks, rays, teleosts and inverts to Al Hoceima, in Morocco.
This was our second run to al Hoceima, with all the animals being loaded at 8h A.M. on Tuesday (Sept. 3) and the last ones delivered at 5h A.M. on Thursday (Sept. 5), which means 45 hours of transit, during which we lost ZERO souls.
And you know how clients usually ask suppliers for their water quality parameters, to prepare their quarantine tanks? We do things differently at Flying Sharks and we ask the client what their water quality parameters are, so we match them in transit.
Ironically, more often than not, we have to downgrade our game to match parameters on arrival!
The trip was rather uneventful, although suffering 10 and a half hours at the hands of Customs officials in Tangiers is never a pleasant experience. Still, last time we did this it took 12 hours to clear Customs, so things are getting better as we go.
Speaking of “better”, kudos to the R & D boys and girls at Blue Shark Journey, who developed “Triage”, the most amazing ammonia quencher on the market, which kept our samples nice and yellow, without a hint of green and always below 0.02 ppm.
The miracles of chemistry, with a cool head even under stress, allowed our water quality to remain so incredibly stable that most folks will disbelieve our results when we publish and share them in conferences.
We’re talking flat lined pH over 40+ hours, thanks to our “Predictive” over “Corrective” buffering philosophy, whereby we act before the water deteriorates and not after. Seems like a no brainer, but this m.o. shifted our water quality charts from “spiky” to “flat”.
Also many thanks to all the kind people from Tunipex, EPPO-IPMA, TPO, ESTM, and so many countless others who bend over backwards to assist us in pulling these miraculous results.
And stay tuned for round #3 of our Moroccan adventures, which will cross the Mediterranean in a few weeks by sailing our phenomenal maiden “Mobile Station”, powered by the EEA Grants and DGPM!