Research Fund 22/05 :: Bárbara Diogo
May 21, 2022
780.000 km
June 2, 2022Check out the recent introduction of two more Mola mola in Nordsoen, after a long wait dictated by Covid-19. In fact, when all public aquaria shutdown, the dreadful pandemic forced us to release the sunfish we had in holding – check that out in this video from 2020!
These two new animals, shipped earlier this week, began feeding the morning after their arrival from a 22 hours journey that took them all the way from Southern Portugal to Northern Denmark.
Last time we shipped sunfish to our friend Martin Riis, in 2014 and 2018 (see photos below), they lived for nearly a decade and weighed close to a ton (each!) at the time they swam to fish heaven. Let’s see if these two new critters can beat that! We’re confident they will, since they looked and behaved absolutely stunning in our tanks, throughout the transport and introduction. Check them out in this cool video shared on Nordoen’s Instagram page.
Also remember the recently published book “The biology and ecology of the ocean sunfish Mola mola“, where professionals from public aquaria spread all over the world – including Flying Sharks – shared their full knowledge on this exciting species! Let us know if you’d like a copy of the chapters we co-wrote and we’ll gladly send you one.