Shark School
February 17, 2022
Research Fund 22/03 :: José Trujillo
March 5, 2022It feels a lilttle strange talking about these things while the World is going nuts in Ukraine, but we just had to share a ray of sunshine we experienced last Friday (Feb. 25), as we delivered three lectures to youngsters in the south of Portugal, kindly invited by the Center of “Living Science” in Lagos.
This organization, with delagations all over the country, focuses on delivering solid scientific information to local communities, in an appealing and engaging way.
We simply couldn’t say no to their kind invitation, so we spent the whole day doing lectures on how to nail a successful career, sharing the wonderful biology of sharks and rays, and also the dangers these extraordinary animals are facing in the wild.
Despite all the craziness to the East, this day very much evoked the wonderful words of Leonard Cohen in his beautiful song Anthem:
There is a crack in anything
That’s how the light gets in
Needless to say we wore, on top of our Flying Sharks hat, our Loving the Planet shirt, and we of course bragged about our phenomenal Mobile Holding Station, powered by the Directorate-General for Maritime Policy and EEA Grants.
EEAGrants #EEAGrantsPT #EEANorwayGrants #CrescimentoAzul #BlueGrowth #DGPM