Tobi’s big oceanic adventure
January 10, 2024
TechAquarium does the City of Lights
January 28, 2024Congratulations Elke Herbots, on her final year as an M.Sc. Oceans & Lakes student at University of Brussels. It has been a lifelong dream of hers to work with sharks and last year ElkeI got the incredible opportunity to collaborate with the Physioshark Project.
Elke began working at the CRIOBE in Mo’orea (French Polynesia) to contribute to their impressive dataset and investigate the (extent of) direct anthropogenic effects of juvenile Carcharhinus melanopterus and Negaprion acutidens caused by shark provisioning bans and COVID restrictions. This study entails a 3 months traineeship (October 2023 – December 2023) whereby Elke contributed to shark sampling, assisting Ph.D. students, general data processing and carrying out her own analysis on direct anthropogenic effects.
We simply couldn’t say no to such a cool study, so we sent Elke 350 euros to help with her travel expenses!