Research Fund 22/08 :: Getnet Fekadu
August 4, 2022
R.I.P. Freya… Sorry we didn’t try harder… :(
August 16, 2022Congratulations Nora Salland, a PhD student at the Marine Biological Association of the UK in Plymouth, working on climate change impacts on kelps and the marine forests they underpin. Nora applied for our Flying Shark Research Fund to go to Portugal (specifically to the area of Peniche) to sample ‘warm-water kelps’ (Laminaria ochroleuca and Saccorhiza polyschides) for a novel heatwave experiment she is planning to conduct this summer. Kelps provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including habitat provision, foraging and nursery ground to a variety of bony fish, elasmobranchs, invertebrates and mammals.
We simply couldn’t say no to such a request, so we wired Nora 300 euros and, as usual, made donations to APECE, Loving the Planet, and Faidout as well.