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August 20, 2022
Research Fund 22/08 :: Akshay Tanna and Daniel Fernando
September 2, 2022Some of you will probably recognize the name “Inês Morão” and rightfully so, because this former Marine Biology student of João’s, at ESTM, showed a keen interest for the study of sea-turtles very early on in her young career.
In 2016 she received 850 euros from us, so she could start her research in São Tomé and Príncipe.
In 2020 we sent her 125 euros, so she could present her results at a conference.
It was therefore with immense pleasure that we just sent Inês another 265 euros, so she may attend a Conservation Biology course on sea-turtles at the Bermuda Turtle Project!
Go, Inês!
As usual, we sent donations to Loving the Planet, APECE, and Faidout as well.
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