Research Fund 22/10 :: Manuel Seixas
November 1, 2022
Research Fund 22/10 :: Ashlie McIvor
November 3, 2022Here’s a quick story we almost forgot to share, because we’ve been so freakin’ busy!…
On the 21st of October we flew 4 Myliobatis aquila and 2 Dasyatis violacea to our friends from Ozeaneum, an institution that holds a special place in our hearts, because we’ve been traveling there since 2008, back when they were about to open!
Fourteen years – and a dozen trips – later, it was our absolute pleasure to fly Air Portugal with these 6 rays in two 800 kg tanks from Lisbon to Berlin, where we then loaded them onto a rented truck and drove the 300 kilometers to Stralund.
This wouldn’t have been possible without the extraordinary assistance of our friend Martin Hansel from Sea Life Berlin, who drove earlier to the cargo terminal and dropped off an oxygen cylinder for us to use during our drive.
As usual, the rays arrived in pristine condition, and will now be seen by millions of visitors, all of which will learn about the perils the oceans are facing, and what we can all do to stop the current horrific trend of environmental destruction and warming climate.