Research Fund 24/04 :: Fabiana Rodrigues
April 30, 2024
Research Fund 24/04 :: Pedro Santos
May 1, 2024It’s been a looooong and strenuous road, with a global pandemic and War that drove prices sky-high in between, but our ‘Mobile Station’ half-a-million project is finally over, which means we’ll be driving to your doorstep within the next few weeks!
Check out the video of our closing event on April 30 and prepare to be dazzled with the most AMAZING fish transport unit in the Galaxy!
Funded by the EEA and Norway Grants and EEA Grants Portugal, powered by DGPM – Direção-Geral de Política do Mar.
#eeagrantspt #EEAGrantsPT #EEANorwayGrants #CrescimentoAzul #BlueGrowth #dgpm