Crabby A.I.
August 5, 2023
Swimmin’ in Abu Dhabi
August 5, 2023Few things give us more pleasure than helping researchers around the world with their scientific efforts.
You’ll remember that our team drove all night long, a few days ago, to board a German research vessel in Algeciras, so they could pack a generous amount of deep-sea mussels headed to the University of Kiel, remember?
Well, this time we boarded a French research vessel, docked in beautiful Horta, right in our backyard, to pack a few more dozen deep-sea mussels Bathymodiolus azoricus and a few hundred deep-sea shrimps Mirocaris fortunata, headed to the Alfred Wegener Institute and Oceanopolis, in Vienna and Brest, respectively.
Mind you, these animals are collected with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) down several thousand meters deep, during research surveys that occur once per year, so the stakes are very high.
Additionally, they are kept inside a cold chamber, which means the team needs to don their snow gear… in August!
Regardless, everything went (almost) flawlessly, if it weren’t for some UPS f#ck ups, which we managed to solve just in time to avert disaster!