There’s nothing we enjoy better than watching young careers soar, and to feel that we played a small role in that initial flight… Remember our friend […]
Congratulations Alison Neilson, who reached out to us, two years ago, asking if we’d support her book “A sea full of life: Visions from the Azores”. […]
Congratulations Elena Milanesi, who is doing her data collection at the research station CRIOBE in Moorea Island (French Polynesia) with the Physioshark Project research group (directed […]
Congratulations Lénia Rato, who has now received multiple Research Funding from Flying Sharks, while supporting her very interesting research on Respiration in Stress Biology using an […]
Congratulations Samuel Winter, a young student from the Technical University of Munich in Germany. Samuel will do his Master’s Thesis at the CRIOBE Research Center in […]